Types of higher education institutions:
Universität/Université/Università (University)
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Eth)/Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale (Federal Institute of Technology)
Fachhochschule/Haute Ecole spécialisée (University of Applied Science)
Höhere Fachschulen/Ecole Professionnelle supérieure (Advanced Vocational College)
School leaving and higher education credentials:
Berufsmaturität/Maturité professionnelle
Fähigkeitzeugnis/Certificat de capacité
Maturitätszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité
Primarlehrer-Diplom/Certificat d'Aptitude à l'Enseignement Primaire
Sekundarlehrer-Patent/Diplôme d'Aptitude à l'Enseignement Secondaire
State Diploma
Postgraduate Diploma
Diplôme de Spécialité
Pre-higher education:
Duration of compulsory education:
Age of entry: 6
Age of exit: 15
Structure of school system:
Type of school providing this education: Primary School
Length of program in years: 6
Age level from: 6 to: 12
Type of school providing this education: Primary School
Length of program in years: 5
Age level from: 6 to: 11
Type of school providing this education: Primary School
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 6 to: 10
Lower Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Lower Secondary School
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 12 to: 15
Lower Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Lower Secondary School
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 11 to: 15
Lower Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Lower Secondary School
Length of program in years: 5
Age level from: 10 to: 15
Academic Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Academic Upper Secondary School
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 15 to: 19
Certificate/diploma awarded: Maturitatszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité/Baccalauréat/Attestato Di Maturità
Academic Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Academic Upper Secondary School
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 15 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: Maturitatszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité/Baccalauréat/Attestato Di Maturità
Type of school providing this education: Vocational Secondary School
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 15 to: 19
Certificate/diploma awarded: Fähigkeitzeugnis/Certificat de Capacité/Attestato Di Capacitá Handelsmaturitat/Maturité Commerciale
Type of school providing this education: Vocational Secondary School
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 15 to: 18
School education:
Primary education lasts from four to six years depending on the canton. Secondary school lasts from seven to nine years, depending on the canton and the length of primary education. It consists of lower secondary education, which is the second part of compulsory education and lasts from three to five years, and upper secondary education which is post-compulsory and varies in length between three and four years. There are various types of upper secondary schools, such as: academic upper secondary schools, which prepare students for University entrance; vocational secondary schools, which prepare students for a wide range of occupations, and general education continuation upper secondary schools, offering further schooling in general education subjects.
Higher education:
In Switzerland, the higher education system at University-level is provided by ten cantonal Universities and two federal Institutes of Technology. However, higher education is also provided by the seven newly created Fachhochschulen and advanced Vocational Colleges. This sector is currently being reformed on a global scale. Private Universities are basically only to be found in the field of post-graduate studies. There is no numerus clausus for subjects studied at University, except for Medicine at the German-speaking Universities. Studies in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Surveying must follow national requirements and are regulated by the Federal Government.
Main laws/decrees governing higher education:
Decree: Bundesgesetz über die Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschulen (ETH-Gesetz) Year: 1991
Concerns: The two Federal Institutes of Technology in Zürich and Lausanne
Decree: Bundesgesetz über die Fachhochschulen (FHSG) Year: 1995
Concerns: Fachhochschulen
Decree: Bundesgesetz über die Förderung der Universitäten und über die Zusammenarbeit im Hochschulbereich (Universitätsförderungsgesetz, UFG) Year: 1999
Concerns: Cantonal Universities and Hochschulen, providing for their co-ordination.
Academic year:
Classes from: Oct to: Jul
Languages of instruction: French, German, Italian
Stages of studies:
Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):
Non-university level:
Professional people extend their general education, upgrade their professional skills and/or qualify in organization and leadership which are necessary for a career at Advanced Vocational Colleges. Studies last for two to three years and lead to a final diploma. Some of the Advanced Vocational Colleges are being transferred to Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) but studies leading to professional diplomas will be carried out at Advanced Vocational Colleges. The transfer of some of the Advanced Vocational Colleges to Universities of Applied Sciences began in 1997/98. With this transfer a process of quality improvement was launched. Since the transfer of Advanced Vocational Colleges, HTL, HWV, etc. to Universities of Applied Sciences, Switzerland has a dual university system with two types of universities: Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences that include UAS Schools of Pedagogy, UAS Schools of Art and Design, UAS Schools of Music and UAS Schools of Theatre. Studies at the Universities of Applied Sciences last for three to four years and are related to the profession and its environment. The performance of the Universities of Applied Sciences include the following three sectors: lecture (diploma studies); further education; and applied research and development, transfer of science and technology and services.
University level studies:
University level first stage: Grundstudium:
The first period of long-cycle study is essentially devoted to broadly-based studies. It takes 2 to 6 semesters and generally ends with intermediate examinations called Vordiplomprüfungen, Akzessprüfungen, Demi-licence or Propädeutika (Medicine), depending on the subject and the university.
University level second stage: Hauptstudium:
The second stage (Hauptstudium) is devoted to in-depth study often with some specializations. After a further four semesters, a Lizentiat/Licence is conferred in Arts, Law and Science. A further five semesters are required for the Diplom/Diplôme in Engineering. In Medicine, a total of twelve semesters is required, whereas in Dentistry, Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine a total of ten to twelve semesters are needed.In the course of the implementation of the Bologna Declaration, several universities or subjects at individual universities have already adjusted their curriculum to the Bachelor/Master system.
University level third stage: Nachdiplomstudium:
Shorter postgraduate courses leading to the award of a Zertifikat/Certificat or a Diplom/Diplôme are offered by Universities and other Institutions of higher education. They are usually part-time courses and have a vocational orientation. The Doctorate in Switzerland is regarded as a stage of Postgraduate education. It is awarded by the 10 cantonal universities and the two Federal Institutes of Technology in areas of study such as Arts, Education, Sciences, Engineering, Theology, Law, Economics, and Medicine. The duration of study varies. In Science, the Doctorate may take a further two to five years and in Engineering between two and four years. In Law, Economics and Social Sciences, it may take from one to three years in the German-speaking Institutions and up to four years in the French. The defence of the Doctoral thesis (Doktorprufung/Examen de Doctorat) may be viva voce or candidates may have to sit for an oral and written examination or have to pass two written examinations and three oral examinations in the chosen major and minor subjects.
University level fourth stage: Medical specialization, Habilitation:
1. Doctors in Medicine and Dentistry (in the field of Orthodontics) wishing to specialize may prepare a Diplôme de spécialité after practical work lasting between five and seven years as assistant Physicians. Doctors in Medicine add FMH (Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum) after their professional title. Doctors in Dentistry are given the title Kieferorthopäde SSO/Spécialiste SSO orthodentie after four years' Postdoctoral study and an examination. These specializations are currently being revised. 2. The Habilitation is the highest academic Degree awarded only in German-speaking Universities in main fields. After submitting a thesis (Habilitationsschrift), candidates must give a public lecture. The Habilitation qualifies for a Professorship.
Teacher education:
Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers
In most cantons, primary school teachers used to be trained in pedagogical upper secondary schools, Lehrerseminar/École normale, which took five or six years and led to Primarlehrer-Diplom/Diplôme/Certificat d'Aptitude à l'Enseignement primaire. However, teacher education for primary school level is currently being revised. By the year 2004, the whole teacher training will be organized at tertiary level. 13 Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), Schools of Pedagogy (Pädagogische Hochschulen/Hautes écoles pédagogiques) are planned or have already opened their doors. In two cantons, teacher training is established at the universities.The UAS Schools of Pedagogy will offer the following degree courses, the diplomas of which are being named according to the regulations of the Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren EDK (Swiss Conference of the Cantonal Ministries of Education):- Lehrerin/Lehrer für die Vorschulstufe/Enseignant/enseignante du degré préscolaire (pre-school teachers): Teaching legitimacy for pre-school only.- Lehrerin/Lehrer für die Vorschulstufe und die Primarstufe/Enseignant/enseignante des degrés préscolaire et primaire (pre-school and primary school teachers): teaching legitimacy from pre-school education up to the 2nd, 5th or 6th primary classes.- Lehrerin/Lehrer für di Primarstufe/Enseignant/enseignante du degré primaire (primary school teachers): Teaching legitimacy from the first up to the fifth or sixth primary class.
Training of secondary school teachers
The training of lower-secondary-school teachers is being transformed. By the year 2004, all teacher training will be organized at tertiary level. 13 Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) Schools of Pedagogy (Pädagogische Hochschulen/Hautes écoles pédagogiques) are planned or have already opened their doors. In two cantons, teacher training is established at the universities. Upper secondary school teachers must in general first obtain a Lizentiat/Licence or a Diplom/Diplôme.The UAS Schools of Pedagogy will offer the following degree courses, the diplomas of which are being named according to the regulations of the Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren EDK (Swiss Conference of the Cantonal Ministries of Education):-Lehrerin/Lehrer für die Sekundarstufe I/Enseignant/enseignante du degré secondaire I (lower secondary school teachers): teaching legitimacy from the 6th or 7th up to the 9th class; training in two to four (Stufenlehrkraft/enseignant généraliste) or at least five (Fächergruppenlehrkraft/enseignant semi-généraliste) subjects.-Lehrerin/Lehrer für di Sekundarstufe I und für Maturitätsschulen/Enseignant/enseignante du degré secondaire I et des écoles préparant à la Maturité (Lower and upper secondary school teachers): Teaching legitimacy from the 6th or 7th up to the 11th (upper secondary) class. These degree courses are more particularly offered in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.-Lehrerin/Lehrer für Maturitätsschule/Enseignant/enseignante des classes préparant à la Maturité (upper secondary school teachers): teaching entitlement for subjects at academic upper secondary schools; the academic (university) and vocational (teacher training college) training takes place one after the other. The name of the different teacher categories can vary from canton to canton; however, each name can be assigned to the overall list above.
Non-traditional studies:
Distance higher education
There are distance education study centres of the Fern Universität Hagen in Brig, Berne and Pfäffikon, the Centre Romand d'Enseignement à distance (CRED) in Sierre and the Open University in Geneva. The creation of a virtual campus is being organized.
Administration & co-ordination:
Responsible authorities:
Federal Office for Education and Science/Office fédéral de l'Education et de la Science (OFES)/Bundesamt für Bildung and Wissenschaft (BBW)
Head: Gerhard Schuwey, Director
Hallwylstasse 43003 BernSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 322-9691
Fax: +41(31) 322-7854
Role of governing body: It is the central administrative authority for dealing with questions concerning Science policy in general for the carrying out of laws related to this field.
Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS)/Rektorenkonferenz der Schweizer Universitäten(CRUS)/Conférence des Recteurs des Universités suisses (CRUS)
Head: Jean-Marc Rapp, President
Administrative officer: Mathias Stauffacher, Secretary-General/Generalsekretär
Sennweg 23012 BernSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 306-6037
Fax: +41(31) 306-6050
Role of governing body: Association which promotes exchanges of information and cooperation between the Swiss Universities.
Council of Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology/Rat der Eidgenössisschen Technischen Hochschulen (ETH-Rat)/Conseil des Ecoles polytechniques fédérales
Head: Francis Waldvogel, President
Administrative officer: Sebastian Braeudli, Secretary-General
ETH-Zentrum HALB8092 ZürichSwitzerland
Tel: +41(1) 632-2002
Fax: +41(1) 632-1190
Role of governing body: Management board of the ETH-sector, consisting of ETHZ, EPFL and their Research Institutions.
Swiss University Conference/Schweizerische Universitätskonferenz (SUK)/Conférence universitaire suisse (CUS)
Head: Charles Kleiber, President
Administrative officer: Nivardo Ischi, Secretary-General
Sennweg 23012 BernSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 306-6060
Fax: +41(31) 302-1792
Role of governing body: As a joint federal and cantonal organ, it carries out planning, coordination and information duties in the field of higher education policy.
Science Agency/Gruppe für Wissenschaft und Forschung/Groupement de la Science et de la Recherche
Head: Charles Kleiber, State Secretary
Administrative officer: Claudio Fischer, Scientific Adviser
Hallwylstrasse 43003 BernSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 322-6836
Fax: +41(31) 322-6492
Role of governing body: Brings the ETH-Rat and the BBW together in one umbrella organization. Its director establishes priorities for the future in the fields of Science and Research.
Association suisse des Professeurs d'Universités (APU)/Vereinigung Schweizerisher Hochschuldozenten (VSH)
Head: Roland Ruedin, President
Administrative officer: Klaus Wegenast, Secretary-General
Hohstalenweg 303047 BremgartenSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 302-0395
Fax: +41(31) 302-0395
Swiss Science and Technology Council (SSTC)/ Conseil Suisse de la Science et de la Technologie (CSST)/Schweizerischer Wissenschafts- und Technologierat (SWTR)
Head: Gottfried Schatz, President
Inselgasse 13003 BernSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 323-0048
Fax: +41(31) 323-9547
Role of governing body: Advises the Federal Council on issues concerning Science policy. Its members are drawn from higher education and research politics and administration.
Swiss National Science Foundation/Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung/Fonds national de la recherche scientifique
Head: Heidi Diggelmann, President
Administrative officer: Hans Peter Hertig, Secretary-General
International relations: Jürg Pfister
Wildhainweg 203001 BernSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 308-2222
Fax: +41(31) 301-3009
Role of governing body: Federal organ in charge of federal financial assistance for research.
Admission to non university higher education studies
Name of secondary school credential required: Berufsmaturität/Maturité professionnelle
Name of secondary school credential required: Fähigkeitzeugnis/Certificat de capacité
Admission to university-level studies
Name of secondary school credential required: Maturitätszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité
Alternatives to credentials: Zulassung aufgrund von Vorbildung und Berufserfahrung/accès sur dossier is a way to be admitted to higher education on grounds of previous life and work experience. It is intended for persons who do not fulfil the normal entrance requirements.
Numerus clausus/restrictions: There is no numerus clausus either nationally or locally for subjects to be studied at University except for Medicine in the German-speaking Universities.
Foreign students admission
Definition of foreign student: A foreign student is a person enrolled at an Institution of higher education in Switzerland, country of which he/she is not a permanent resident.
Quotas: Foreign applicants are unlikely to obtain a place in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine if they do not hold a Swiss School-Leaving Certificate and a residence permit. There are also certain restrictions on the number of places available in certain other subjects
Admission requirements: The basic requirements for admission to a Swiss University are: generally a minimum age of 18, and a State-recognized Swiss School Leaving Certificate, or a foreign equivalent. Each University makes its own decision concerning admission.
Entry regulations: A valid passport is sufficient for students from other West European Countries. Citizens of countries which require a visa should apply to the relevant Swiss diplomatic representation abroad. Students wishing to spend more than three months in Switzerland must apply for a residence permit, which must be accompanied by a valid passport, a certificate of admission issued by the University, and a certificate stating that the applicant has the necessary financial resources to complete his/her studies.
Health requirements: All Universities require their registered students to join a recognized Swiss health insurance scheme.
Language requirements: Adequate knowledge of the language of instruction (German, French or Italian).
Recognition of studies & qualifications:
Studies pursued in home country (System of recognition/accreditation): The responsibility for higher education is shared between 26 cantons and the Confederation. Each Swiss University autonomously handles the question of academic recognition of both Swiss and foreign School Leaving Certificates and Academic Diplomas. Foreign School-Leaving Certificates are assessed according to the criteria adopted by the Conference of the Rectors of the Swiss Universities. Those from signatory States of the conventions on higher education of the Council of Europe entitle holders to admission to Swiss Universities. As far as admission to postgraduate or Doctorate studies is concerned, the Academic Degrees Lizentiat/Licence or Diplom/Diplôme are usually mutually and unreservedly recognized.
Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):
Recognition Information Centre, Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities
Head: Christine Gehrig, Responsable/Leitung
Administrative officer: Réka Vittani-Polgar
Sennweg 23012 BernSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 306-6032
Fax: +41(31) 302-6811
Deals with credential recognition for entry to: University and Profession
Services provided & students dealt with: Provides information for foreigners on credential equivalences.
Special provisions for recognition:
For access to university level studies: The recognition of foreign entrance qualifications and School Leaving Certificates is the responsibility of individual Institutions and their Faculties. They alone are in a position to provide precise information on recognition of foreign Certificates and Degrees.
For access to advanced studies and research: It is the Universities, the higher education Institutions, and the Faculties which are abilitated to assess the equivalence of a foreign Certificate or Diploma submitted by persons seeking to continue their studies in Switzerland.
For the exercise of a profession: For the exercise of an unregulated profession in Switzerland, the assessment of the Diploma is incumbent on the employer.
Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies
Name of agreement: Convention of the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European region (Nr. 165)(Lisbon Convention)
Year of signature: 1997
Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging to European Region
Year of signature: 1979
Name of agreement: European Agreement on Continued Payment of Scholarships to Students Abroad
Year of signature: 1969
Name of agreement: European Convention on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications (Nr. 32)
Year of signature: 1959
Name of agreement: European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas Leading to Admission to Universities (Nr. 15)
Year of signature: 1953
Name of agreement: European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Study (Nr. 21)
Year of signature: 1956
Name of agreement: European Convention on the General Equivalence of Periods of University Study
Year of signature: 1990
Name of agreement: Principles of Good Practice in Academic Recognation Procedures Passed by the Standing Conference on University Problems of the Council of Europe
Year of signature: 1991
Name of agreement: Protocol to the European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas Leading to Admission to Universities
Year of signature: 1964
Name of agreement: Recommendation on the Recognition of Studies and Qualifications in Higher Education
Year of signature: 1993
Bilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign credentials
Name of agreement: Austria
Year of signature: 1993
Name of agreement: France
Year of signature: 1994
Name of agreement: Germany
Year of signature: 1994
References to further information on foreign student admissions and recognition of studies
Title: A Guide to the Swiss Higher Education System and its Qualifications
Author: Tremp, Marianne and Nägeli, Rudolf
Publisher: Office Central Universitaire Suisse
Year of publication: 1996
Title: Recognition Issues in Higher Education in Switzerland and the European Context
Author: Tremp, Marianne and Nägeli, Rudolph
Publisher: Central Office of the Swiss Universities. Equivalency Information Service (ENIC)
Year of publication: 1996
Title: Student Handbook
Author: Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
Publisher: Bad Monneli Book
Year of publication: 1997
Main student services at national level
Schweiz Tourismus/Suisse Tourisme
P.O. Box 695CH-8027 ZürichSwitzerland
Tel: +41(1) 228-1111
Fax: +41(1) 228-1205
Category of services provided: Social and welfare services
Ankerstrasse 112CH-8026 ZürichSwitzerland
Tel: +41(1) 297-1111
Fax: +41(1) 297-1112
Category of services provided: Social and welfare services
Services available to foreign Students: Yes
Studentenberatung/Conseil aux étudiants (all universities)
Category of services provided: Academic and career counselling services; Employment services
Services available to foreign Students: Yes
National student associations and unions
Verband der Schweizerischen Student Innenschaftten (VSS)/Union Nationale des Etudiant/es de Suisse (UNES)/National Union of Swiss Students
Schanzenstrasse 1CH-3008 BernSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 382-1171
Fax: +41(31) 382-1176
Health/social provisions
Social security for home students: Yes
Social security for foreign students: Yes
Foreign student social security provisions: Foreign students contribute to old-age and disability insurance schemes, if they intend to stay in Switzerland after finishing their studies, if they are stateless or have the fugitive status. Medical insurance is compulsory. Exempt from this compulsory insurance are students who come to Switzerland on a mobility programme or who come from a country where the medical insurance is compulsory. In the latter case, the coverage must be equivalent to that in Switzerland.
Special student travel fares:
By road: No
By rail: No
By air: Yes
Student expenses and financial aid
Student costs:
Average living costs: 20000 (Swiss Franc)
Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 1000 (Swiss Franc)
Maximum: 4000 (Swiss Franc)
Foreign students tuition fees: Minimum: 1000 (Swiss Franc)
Maximum: 8000 (Swiss Franc)
Bodies providing information on student financial aid:
Eidgenössische Stipendienkommission für ausländische Studierende (ESKAS)
Hallwylstrasse 43003 BerneSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 323-2676
Fax: +41(31) 323-3020
Deals with: Grants
Category of students: Governmental scholarships for foreign graduate students.
Publications on student services and financial aid:
Title: Schweizer Studienführer
Publisher: AGAB, Düssendorf
Title: Study Abroad 2000-2001
Publisher: UNESCO/IBE
Year of publication: 1999
Principal national bodies responsible for dealing with international cooperation and exchanges in higher education:
Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities
Sennweg 2CH-3012 BernSwitzerland
Tel: +41(31) 306-6045
Fax: +41(31) 302-6811
Participation of country in multilateral or bilateral higher education programmes
Name of exchange programme: ARC JURASSIEN
Name of exchange programme: ERASMUS (silent patner)
Name of exchange programme: EUREGIO
Name of exchange programme: RHÔNES-ALPES COOPERATION
Usual grading system in secondary school
Full Description: In most cantons, the 6-point scale is used: 6 = ausgezeichnet/très bien (outstanding); 4 = genügend/suffisant (pass); 3-2-1 = ungenügend/insuffisant (fail)
Highest on scale: 6=ausgezeichnet/très bien (outstanding);
Pass/fail level: 4=genügend/suffisant (pass)/4=ungenügend/insuf
Lowest on scale: 1=schlecht/mauvais (fail).
Main grading system used by higher education institutions
Full Description: There are three numerical grading systems used by Universities: a 1-6 scale, a 6-1 scale (sometimes, a 5-1 scale), and the 10-point scale.
Highest on scale: 6/1/10
Pass/fail level: 4/3(3)/6 (pass mark); 2(1)/6(5)/2 (fail mark)
Lowest on scale: 1/6(5)/1
Other main grading systems
The grading system for PhD and Doctorate is: genügend/passable/rite (pass); ziemlich gut/assez bien/cum laude; gut/bien/magna cum laude; sehr gut/très bien/insigni cum laude; ausgezeichnet/excellent; summa cum laude.
Foreign students who do not intend to sit for examinations, but wish to attend a Swiss University for a few terms, may attend as Gaststudenten/étudiants-hôtes (occasional students). The minimum requirement for registration is previous attendance at a foreign University for a period of two whole terms.
Data for academic year: 2001-2002
Source: Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities, Bern, 2002
Sunday, November 25, 2007
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