Sunday, November 25, 2007


Types of higher education institutions:
Uniwersytety (Universities)
Politechniki (Technical Universities)
Akademie Medyczne (Medical Academies)
Akademie Rolnicze (Agricultural Academies)
Akademie Ekonomiczne (Economical Academies)
Wyższe Szkoły Pedagogiczne (Higher Teacher Education Schools)
Akademie Muzyczne, Sztuk Pięknych,Teatralne I Filmowe (Academies of Music, Fine Arts,Theatre,and Cinematography)
Akademie Wychowania Fizycznego (Academies of Physical Education)
Akademie Teologiczne (Theological Academies)
Szkoły Morskie (Merchant Marine Academies)
Szkoły Wojskowe (Military Schools)
Wyższa Szkoła Policji (School of Police)
Państwowe Wyższe Szkoły Zawodowe (State Schools of Higher Vocational Education)
Niepaństwowe Szkoły Wyższe (Non-Public Schools)
Niepaństwowe Wyższe Szkoły Zawodowe (Non-state Schools of Higher Vocational Education)

School leaving and higher education credentials:
Świadectwo dojrzałości
Świadectwo ukończenia (of a given school)
Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych
Lekarz stomatolog
Lekarz weterynarii
Magister edukacji
Magister inżynier
Magister inżynier architek
Magister sztuki
Licencjat II
Świadectwo ukończenia studiów podyplomowych
Kwalifikacje pierwszego stopnia
Doktor habilitowany
Kwalifikacje drugiego stopnia

Pre-higher education:
Duration of compulsory education:
Age of entry: 7
Age of exit: 18
Structure of school system:
Type of school providing this education: Primary School (Szkola Podstawowa)
Length of program in years: 6
Age level from: 7 to: 13
Certificate/diploma awarded: Swiadectwo ukonczenia szkoly podstawowej - Certificate of Completion of Primary School Education)
Lower Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Gimnasium (Gimnazjum)
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 13 to: 16
Certificate/diploma awarded: Swiadectwo ukonczenia gimnazjum (Certificate of Completion of Education in the Gymnasium)
Technical Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Technikum (Technical Secondary School)
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 16 to: 20
Certificate/diploma awarded: Swiadectwo dojrzalosci technikum (Maturity Certificate of the Technical Secondary School) or swiadectwo ukończenia Technikum (Certificate of Completion of Education in the Technical Secondary School)
Upper Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Liceum Ogólnoksztalcace (General Lyceum)
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 16 to: 19
Certificate/diploma awarded: Swiadectwo dojrzalosci liceum ogólnoksztalcacego (Maturity Cetificate of the General Lyceum) or swiadectwo ukończenia liceum ogólnoksztalcacego (Certificate of Completion of Education in the General Lyceum)
Vocational Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Szkola Zasadnicza (Basic Vocational School)
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 16 to: 19
Certificate/diploma awarded: Swiadectwo ukończenia szkoly zasadniczej (Certificate of Completion of Education in the Basic Vocational School)
Vocational Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Liceum Profilowane (Specialized Lyceum)
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 16 to: 19
Certificate/diploma awarded: Swiadectwo dojrzalosci liceum profilowanego (Maturity Certificate of the Specialized Liceum) or swiadectwo ukończenia liceum profilowanego (Certificate of Completion of Education in the Specialized Lyceum)
School education:
BEFORE THE 1999 REFORM, primary education lasted for 8 years leading to the conferring of the Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Szkoly Podstawowej (Certificate of Completion of Primary School Education). Secondary general education was provided in the four-year general lyceum (lyceum ogólnoksztalcace). Secondary vocational education was provided by a range of schools , i.e. four-year liceum ( lyceum), liceum zawadowe (vocational lyceum), liceum techniczne (technical lyceum) and a 5-year technikum (secondary technical school). The graduates of all secondary schools were awarded either the Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (Maturity Certificate of a given kind of secondary school) or the Świadectwo Ukończenia (Certificate of Completion of Education in the given kind of secondary school). Apart from that, there were basic vocational schools (szkola zasadnicza) whose graduates obtained the Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Szkoly Zasadniczej (Certificate of Completion of Education in the basic vocational school). AFTER THE 1999 REFORM, 6-year primary schools and 3-year gymnasia were introduced. Secondary education is provided in 3-year general lyceums (liceum ogólnoksztalcace) or in vocational secondary schools such as the 3-year liceum profilowane (specialized lyceum) and 4-year technikum (secondary technical school). In addition, there are 2-3-year basic vocational schools (zasdnicza szkola zawodowa) whose graduates obtain the Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Zasadniczej Szkoly Zawodowej (Certificate of Completion of Education in the Basic Vocational School). The secondary school credentials of the former system will be issued until 2005. In the transition period, both the former and the new types of secondary school will co-exist. The credential that gives right to enter higher education before and after the reform is the Świadectwo Dojrzałości issued after completion of education in a secondary school and having passed the Maturity examination (Egzamin Dojrzalosci/Matura).The only type of post-primary school that does not give access to higher education is the basic vocational school, both in the old and new system. The graduates of these schools may continue their education in different types of complementary secondary schools: liceum uzupelniajace (complementary lyceum) or technikum uzupelniajace (complementary technical secondary school). Following completion of education in these schools they can pass the maturity examination and obtain a Maturity Certificate and thus become eligible for entrance to higher education
Higher education:
The higher education system comprises both state and non-state institutions. The latter are created on the basis of the 1990 Higher Education Act. Before that, there were only state higher education institutions (with the exception of the Catholic University of Lublin). When the Act on Schools of Higher Professional Education came into force in 1997, courses of higher professional education were created. Thus, at present, there are both university-type and non-university type (professional education) institutions in Poland. Graduates of higher professional courses (offered by państwowe wyższe szkoly zawodowe and wyższe szkoly zawodowe) are awarded the professional title of licencjat or inźynier after 3-4 years' study. Graduates of university-type higher education institutions are awarded the professional title of magister or an equivalent after having followed uniform 5-year magister level courses or 1.5 to 2-year complementary magister level courses (in the case of holders of the professional title of licencjat or inźynier obtained either at university-type institutions or institutions of higher professional education).Most higher education institutions are under the responsibility of the Ministry of National Education and Sport. Some, however, are under the control of other competent Ministries: Ministry of Health (Academies of Medicine) and Ministry of Culture (Academies of Music, Fine Arts, Theatre, and Film Studies). There are also schools that are supervised by the Ministry of National Defence (military schools), the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Main School of Fire Service, School of Police) and the Ministry of Infrastructure (merchant navy schools).The total number of state higher education institutions is 116 and there are 182 non-state higher education institutions. The credential giving access to higher education is the swiadectwo dojrzalosci (Maturity Certificate) of a given kind of secondary school. The most common form of recruitment is the entrance examination.
Main laws/decrees governing higher education:
Decree: Act on Academic Titles and Degrees of 12th September 1990 Year: 1990
Concerns: Requirements for awarding the Doktor & Doktor Habilitowany degrees and the title of Profesor
Decree: Act on Schools of Higher Vocational Education of 26th June 1997 Year: 1997
Concerns: State and non-State professional higher schools
Decree: Higher Education Act of 12th September 1990 Year: 1990
Concerns: civilian, state higher schools; non-public schools
Academic year:
Classes from: Oct to: Jun
Long vacation from: 1 Jul to: 30 Sep
Languages of instruction: Polish
Stages of studies:
Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):
Non-university level:
Non-university level education in Poland is provided by szkoły policealne and szkoły pomaturalne. The szkoły policealne train students in a variety of vocational fields. The graduates obtain the świadectwo ukończenia szkoły policealnej (certificate of completion of education in post-secondary school), and can then take a vocational examination and obtain the dyplom uzyskania tytułu zawodowego (vocational title diploma). The vocational training in this type of schools lasts between 1 and 2.5 years, depending on the field of studies.The szkoły pomaturalne train only nurses and midwives, and the graduates are awarded the dyplom ukończenia szkoły pomaturalnej (diploma of completion of education in the post-secondary school). The duration of education is 2.5 years. Since 1999 the training of nurses and midwives is organized as higher studies.

University level studies:
University level first stage:
First level studies are organized both by university-type higher education institutions and the institutions of higher professional education (wyższe szkoły zawodowe). The graduates obtain the dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych (diploma of completion of higher studies) and are awarded the professional title of licencjat or inżynier after completing the education and preparing a thesis or diploma project. The duration of studies is 3 to 4 years, depending on the field of study. The graduates can continue their education at university-type institutions in complementary courses of the second level and obtain the title of magister or equivalent. The professional title of licencjat has been awarded since 1992, when new regulations concerning the qualifications in higher education were announced.Military schools and the School of Police award the graduates of first level studies the title of oficer dyplomowany. The Main School of Fire Service grants them the title of inżynier pożarnictwa.
University level second stage:
The studies of the second stage are organized in the university-type higher education institutions as uniform studies lasting 5-6 years or as complementary studies, lasting 1.5 - 2 years, and offered to holders of the professional titles of licencjat or inżynier. The graduates receive dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych (diploma of completion of higher studies) and are awarded the title of magister or one of its equivalents after submitting and defending of a thesis or a diploma project (with the exception of the studies in Medicine). The holders of the title of magister or its equivalent may continue their education at postgraduate level.These are the professional titles awarded by different kinds of second level higher education studies lasting usually 5 years (it is indicated when the duration of studies is different):- universities: graduates are awarded the title of magister;- technical universities: graduates are awarded the title of magister inżynier;- academies of medicine: graduates are awarded the title of lekarz (in Medicine, after 6 years of studies) or lekarz stomatolog (in Dentistry, after 5 years of studies); the title of magister is awarded to graduates in the fields of Pharmacy and others after 5 years of studies;- academies of agriculture: graduates are awarded the title of magister inżynier or lekarz weterynarii (in Veterinary Medicine, after 5.5 years);- academies of economics: graduates are awarded the title of magister or magister inżynier (in some faculties);- teacher-training schools: graduates are awarded the title of magister edukacji or magister; - schools of arts: graduates are awarded the title of magister sztuki;- academies of physical education: graduates are awarded the title of magister, additionally they are granted the professional title of trener, instruktor rekreacji or instruktor turystyki;- academies of theology: graduates are awarded the title of magister;- merchant navy schools: graduates are awarded the title of magister inżynier;- military schools: graduates are awarded the title of magister, magister inżynier or lekarz (at Wojskowa Akademia Medyczna w Łodzi, after 6 years of studies); additionally, they are also granted the military rank of podporucznik (second lieutenant);- Main School of Fire Service: graduates are awarded the title of magister inżynier pożarnictwa;- non-state higher education schools and higher education institutions of the Catholic Church and other confessions can award the title of magister.
University level third stage:
The academic degree of doktor can be obtained in two ways: by students of doctoral (postgraduate) studies, lasting usually 3-4 years, or by persons who combine their professional work with academic research and elaboration of a dissertation. All candidates must hold the professional title of magister or equivalent. To be awarded the degree of doktor, the candidate must submit and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation assessed positively by two supervisors and pass doctorate examinations.The degree of doktor can be conferred either by higher education institutions or by research institutes entitled to award it. The name of the qualification awarded as an equivalent to the degree of doktor in artistic disciplines is kwalifikacje pierwszego stopnia (first degree qualifications).
University level fourth stage: Doktor Habilitowany:
The degree of doktor habilitowany is awarded to candidates who already hold the degree of doktor. It can be obtained either by academic staff of higher education institutions and research units, or by persons who combine their research work with other professional activities. To be awarded the academic degree of doktor habilitowany the candidate must: have remarkable scientific or artistic achievements; submit a habilitation dissertation which contributes to the development of a given scientific discipline; receive a favourable assessment of his/her dissertation from three supervisors; pass a habilitation examination and deliver a favourably assessed habilitation lecture. The name of the qualification awarded in artistic disciplines as an equivalent to the degree of doktor habilitowany is kwalifikacje drugiego stopnia (second degree qualifications).The holders of the doktor habilitowany degree are eligible for the academic post of professor at higher education institutions and can be awarded the academic title of profesor conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland.

Teacher education:
Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers
Since 1990, teacher training in Poland is organized as tertiary education. Primary school and gymnasium teacher are trained in a kolegium nauczycielskie (teacher training college). There are also foreign language teacher training colleges (nauczycielskie kolegium języków obcych). The graduates are awarded the dyplom ukończenia kolegium nauczycielskiego and the professional title of licencjat (conferred by the higher education institution which supervises the given college).Before 1990, the education of pre-primary and primary teachers was organized in a range of secondary/postsecondary teacher training schools. The qualification awarded was świadectwo dojrzałości (maturity certificate) and/or dyplom ukończenia … of a given kind of school (diploma of completion of education in …. institute). The education of the graduates of primary schools who wanted to become teachers lasted from 4 to 6 years, and that of graduates of secondary schools 2 or 3 years. The names of those teacher training schools and institutes are: liceum pedagogiczne (teacher training lyceum), studium nauczycielskie (teacher-training institute), studium wychowania przedszkolnego (pre-primary education institute), studium nauczania początkowego (beginning learning institute), pedagogiczne studium techniczne (technical teacher training institute).
Training of secondary school teachers
Holders of the degree of magister or its equivalent who have pursued a pedagogical course are eligible. Since 1990 secondary school foreign language teachers can also be trained in foreign language teacher training colleges (nauczycielskie kolegium języków obcych). The graduates are awarded the dyplom ukończenia kolegium nauczycielskiego and the professional title of licencjat (conferred by the higher education institution which supervises a given college).
Training of higher education teachers
Academic teachers are recruited among the holders of academic degrees of doktor and doktor habilitowany. The academic teachers of lower grade can be graduates of higher education institutions, i.e. holders of the degree of magister or its equivalent, who are preparing for the doctorate.

Non-traditional studies:
Lifelong higher education
Higher education institutions and research institutes can organize courses for holders of higher education diplomas (magister equivalent), the aim of which is to update or develop their professional or academic knowledge. Graduates of these courses are awarded the świadectwo ukończenia studiów podyplomowych (certificate of completion of postgraduate studies). The duration of the programme depends on the field of study and the institution.

Administration & co-ordination:
Responsible authorities:
Ministry of Education and Sport (Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej I Sportu)
Head: Krystyna Łbacka, Minister
al. Szucha 2500-918 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22) 628-04-61
Fax: +48(22) 629-71-11
Telex: 813523 men pl

Role of governing body: Creating educational policies at the national level, coordinating other governing bodies, controlling higher education institutions supervised by this Ministry

Central Council of Higher Education (Rada Główna Szkolnictwa Wyższego)
Head: Stefan Pelczar, President
al. Szucha 2500-918 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22) 629-84-78
Fax: +48(22) 628-84-78

Role of governing body: Cooperates with the Minister of National Education and the other national bodies in the implementation of tasks concerning higher education; in particular, defines the requirements for organizing new fields of study an the conferring of professional titles, as well as minimum curriculum requirements for each field of study

Polish Universities Rectors' Conference
Head: Stefan Jurga, President
Administrative officer: Marek Kreglewski, Secretary-General
ul. Wieniawskiego 100927 PoznanPoland
Tel: +48(61) 829-43-92
Fax: +48(61) 829-44-44

State Accreditation Commission (Państwowa Komisja Akredytacyjna)
Head: Andrzej Jamioùkowski, President
Administrative officer: Kazimierz Przybysz, Secretary
al. Szucha 2500-918 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22) 622-36-86
Fax: +48(22) 622-36-86

Role of governing body: Quality assurance, advisory and controlling tasks in establishing new higher education institutions and concession of licences to organize new fields of study in the existing ones

Central Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (Centralna Komisja do Spraw Stopni Naukowych i Tytulu Naukowego
Administrative officer: Osman Achmatowicz, Secretary
Pałac Kultury I Naukipl. Defilad 100-901 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22) 826-82-38 +48(22) 620-33-24
Fax: +44(22) 620-33-24

Role of governing body: Supervises the conferring of the academic degrees of Doktor and Doktor Habilitowany; entitles the faculties of the higher education institutions and to research units to award these academic degrees

Admission to non university higher education studies
Name of secondary school credential required: Świadectwo dojrzałości
Minimum score/requirement: 2 - mierny (mediocre) in the grading scale introduced in 1991; 3 - dostateczny (satisfactory) in the grading scale used before 1991
For entry to: szkoła policealna
Name of secondary school credential required: Świadectwo ukończenia (of a given school)
Minimum score/requirement: 2 - mierny (mediocre) in the grading scale introduced in 1991; 3 - dostateczny (satisfactory) in the grading scale used before 1991
For entry to: szkoła policealna, szkoła pomaturalna
Entrance exams required:
For some courses (according to the institutions) there is an entrance examination. Some institutions also have qualifying tests or qualifying interviews for access to some of their courses.
Other admission requirements:
Sometimes physical and mental predisposition of candidate to exercise a given profession must first be ascertained
Admission to university-level studies
Name of secondary school credential required: Świadectwo dojrzałości
Minimum score/requirement: 2 - mierny (mediocre) in the grading scale introduced in 1991; 3 - dostateczny (satisfactory) in the grading scale used before 1991
For entry to: all institutions of higher education
Entrance exams required: For some courses (according to the institutions) there is an entrance examination. Some institutions also have qualifying tests or qualifying interviews for access to some of their courses.
Numerus clausus/restrictions: Higher education institutions are autonomous in this matter. The number of students is decided by the senate of each institution.
Other admission requirements: Prize-winners of national competitions (olimpiada) in various secondary-school subjects are exempt from entrance examinations.
Foreign students admission
Definition of foreign student: A person enrolled at a Polish higher education institution who is not a permanent resident of Poland
Admission requirements: Candidates must hold a Secondary School-leaving Certificate entitling them to enter higher education in their country. It must be officially recognized as being equivalent to a Polish Maturity Certificate. There are no entrance examinations for foreign students. However, in the case of fields of study in which special abilities are required, applicants must prove they possess them.
Entry regulations: Students must be in possession of a valid passport and a student visa or other document entitling them to stay in Poland. Polish diplomatic missions abroad offer information on studies in Poland (application forms) and assistance in applying.
Health requirements: Candidates seeking to be admitted to higher studies should submit a health certificate enabling them to study in the selected discipline.
Language requirements: Candidates must attend a Polish language course preparing for higher studies organized by one of the institutions recommended by the Minister of National Education and Sport or obtain confirmation of the host institution that their command of Polish is sufficient to enrol. Some faculties also offer courses in foreign langauges (mostly English or German).
Application procedures:
Apply to individual institution for entry to: All courses and programmes without a scholarship obtained on the basis of a bilateral agreement . on cultural and scientific exchange. Candidates can also apply via Polish diplomatic missions.
Apply to national body for entry to: All institutions of higher education and all academic programmes for those who are awarded a scholarship obtained on the basis of a bilateral agreement on cultural and scientific exchange
Apply to:
Biuro Uznawalności Wykstałcenian i Wymiany Międzynarodowej / Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange via Embassy/Consulate
Smolna 1300-375 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22 )826-74-34
Fax: +48(22) 826-28-23

Application closing dates:
For non-university level (technical/vocational type) studies: 15 Jun
For university level studies: 15 Jun
For advanced/doctoral studies: 15 Jun
Recognition of studies & qualifications:
Studies pursued in home country (System of recognition/accreditation): The State Accreditation Commission (Państwowa Komisja Akredytacyjna) is responsible for quality assurance, advisory and controlling tasks in establishing new higher education institutions and concession of licences to organize new fields of study in the existing ones.
Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):
ENIC/NARIC, Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange
Head: Ewa Majdowska, Deputy Director
ul. Smolna 1300-375 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22) 828-81-61
Fax: +48(22) 826-28-23
Telex: 813523 men pl

Deals with credential recognition for entry to: University and Profession
Services provided & students dealt with: Information and guidance; confirmation of recognition of credentials issued by higher education institutions from countries with which Poland has signed bilateral/multilateral agreements on mutual recognition of studies

Other information sources on recognition of foreign studies: The bodies responsible for the recognition of foreign credentials (higher education diplomas) are higher education institutions, and particularly the councils of faculties entitled to confer the academic degree of doktor. The recognition of foreign academic degrees can be obtained also in a higher education institution: these rights are given to a council of faculty entitled to award the academic degree of doktor habilitowany. The above refers to cases of credentials obtained in the countries with which Poland has not signed bilateral agreements on recognition of education. In case when such an agreement exists, no formal recognition procedure is required, though the holder of a foreign credential issued in one of these countries can obtain a confirmation of the recognition of his/her qualifications in the appropriate ministry (depending on the fields of study): in artistic disciplines – Ministry of Culture; medical studies – Ministry of Health; merchant navy schools – Ministry of Infrastructure; military schools – Ministry of National Defence etc. Other graduates should apply to the Ministry of National Education and Sport via Polish ENIC/NARIC.
Special provisions for recognition:
For access to non-university post-secondary studies: All applicants must submit a secondary-leaving certificate recognised as equivalent to Polish maturity certificate or with Polish certificate of completion of education in a secondary school. Local educational authorities provide the recognition of foreign certificates from the countries with which Poland has not signed any bilateral/multilateral agreements on the mutual recognition of education credentials. Credentials issued in the latter countries do not need to be submitted to any recognition procedure and shall be accepted by the education institutions as equivalent to the Polish ones.
For access to university level studies: All applicants must submit a secondary-leaving certificate recognised as equivalent with Polish maturity certificate, either on the basis of a bilateral/multilateral agreement on mutual recognition of school credentials, or – in case such an agreement does not exist – the certificate must be recognised by the local educational authority – kuratorium oświaty – proper for the place of residence of the applicant.
For access to advanced studies and research: All applicants must submit complete official academic documents together with their application form to higher education institution or research institute. In case there is no bilateral agreement between Poland and the country in which the credentials were issued, his/her studies must be first recognised as equivalent with a given kind of studies in Poland.
For the exercise of a profession: In the case of graduates from countries with which Poland has signed bilateral agreements on mutual recognition of education, the applicants must present relevant documents to the appropriate Ministry (see above), and in some cases (e.g. medical professions) fulfil the requirements of the professional body conferring rights to exercise given profession. The graduates from other countries must recognise their credentials at a higher education institution first, and then fulfil the requirements of professional bodies too.
Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies
Name of agreement: European Convention on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications
Year of signature: 1994
Name of agreement: European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas Leading to Admission to Universities
Year of signature: 1994
Name of agreement: European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Studies
Year of signature: 1994
Name of agreement: Lisbon Convention. Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (not ratified)
Year of signature: 1997
Name of agreement: Paris Convention. Convention On the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging To the Europe Region.
Year of signature: 1979
Name of agreement: Prague Convention. Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Equivalence of Documents of Completion of Education in Secondary Schools, Secondary Vocational Schools and Higher Education Institutions, as well as Academic Degrees and Titles
Year of signature: 1972
Name of agreement: Rome Convention. European Convention on the General Equivalence of Periods of University Study
Year of signature: 1994
Bilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign credentials
Name of agreement: Agreement on Cultural and Scientific Cooperation
Year of signature: 1992
Country/state involved: Ukraine
Name of agreement: Agreement on Cultural and Scientific Cooperation
Year of signature: 1992
Country/state involved: Latvia
Name of agreement: Agreement on Cultural and Scientific Cooperation
Year of signature: 1993
Country/state involved: Kyrgyzstan
Name of agreement: Agreement on Cultural and Scientific Cooperation
Year of signature: 1992
Country/state involved: Estonia
Name of agreement: Agreement on Cultural and Scientific Cooperation
Year of signature: 1998
Country/state involved: Armenia
Name of agreement: Recognition of School Certificates and Higher Education Diplomas
Year of signature: 1978
Country/state involved: Yugoslavia
Name of agreement: Recognition of Studies and Academic Degrees
Year of signature: 1980
Country/state involved: Hungary
Name of agreement: Recognition of Studies, Academic Degrees and Diplomas
Year of signature: 1987
Country/state involved: Czechoslovakia
Name of agreement: Recognition of Studies, Academic Degrees and Titles
Year of signature: 1974
Country/state involved: USSR (former)
Name of agreement: Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas and Academic Degrees
Year of signature: 1987
Country/state involved: Libya
Name of agreement: Recognition of Studies, Degrees and Diplomas in Higher Education
Year of signature: 1997
Country/state involved: Austria
Name of agreement: Recognition of Studies, Degrees and Diplomas in Higher Education
Year of signature: 1997
Country/state involved: Germany
Name of agreement: Recognition of Studies, Degrees and Titles
Year of signature: 1977
Country/state involved: Bulgaria
Name of agreement: Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Academic Degrees
Year of signature: 1985
Country/state involved: Syria
References to further information on foreign student admissions and recognition of studies
Title: Study Abroad 2000-2001
Publisher: UNESCO/IBE
Year of publication: 1999

Main student services at national level
Polish National Career Services Network
ul. Zwierzyniecka 7 c60-813 PoznańPoland
Tel: +48(61) 829-24-95 +48(61) 829-24-96

Category of services provided: Social and welfare services; Employment services
Services available to foreign Students: Yes

Section of Student Affairs, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education and Sport
Al. Szucha 2500-918 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22) 629-72-41
Fax: +48(22) 628-93-29
Telex: 813523 men pl

Category of services provided: Social and welfare services; Special services/Centre for foreign students
Services available to foreign Students: No

National student associations and unions
Independent Student Association (National Committee)
Okólnik 1100-368 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22)827-94-65
Fax: +48(22)827-89-38
Telex: 815439 uw pl

Parliament of Students of the Republic of Poland
Al. Szucha 25/300-918 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22) 625-20-30 +48(22) 621-55-19
Fax: +48(22) 625-20-30 +48(22) 621-55-19

Polish Students Association (National Council)
ul. Ordynacka 900-364 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22)828-39-92
Fax: +48(22)828-39-90
Telex: 816922 bis pl

Health/social provisions
Social security for home students: Yes
Cost/fee (per year): 400 (Zloty)
Social security for foreign students: Yes
Cost/fee (per year): 400 (Zloty)
Special student travel fares:
By road: Yes
By rail: Yes
By air: Yes
Available to foreign students: Yes
Student expenses and financial aid
Student costs:
Average living costs: 4200 (US Dollar)
Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 0 (Zloty)
Foreign students tuition fees: Minimum: 2000 (Euro)
Type of financial aid available:
Higher vocational/technical studies:
Home: Yes
Foreign: Yes
First Degree studies:
Home: Yes
Foreign: Yes
Advanced/doctoral studies:
Home: Yes
Foreign: Yes
Higher vocational/technical studies:
Home: Yes
Foreign: No
First degree studies:
Home: Yes
Foreign: No
Advanced/doctoral studies:
Home: Yes
Foreign: No
Bodies providing information on student financial aid:
Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange, Ministry of National Education
Smolna 1300-375 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22) 826-74-34
Fax: +48(22) 826-28-23

Deals with: Grants
Category of students: Scholarships only granted on the basis of the agreements on scientific and cultural cooperation signed between the government of the particular country and the government of Poland; allocates scholarships in the following programmes: CEEPUS, Kościuszkowski Foundation and Fulbright Program

Principal national bodies responsible for dealing with international cooperation and exchanges in higher education:
Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange, Ministry of National Education
ul. Smolna 1300-375 WarszawaPoland
Tel: +48(22) 826-74-34
Fax: +48(22) 826-28-23

Participation of country in multilateral or bilateral higher education programmes
Name of exchange programme: Ceepus
Name of exchange programme: Erasmus
Name of exchange programme: Socrates
Name of exchange programme: Tempus

Usual grading system in secondary school
Full Description: 6 - 1 (excellent (celujacy), very good (bardzo dobry), good (dobry), satisfactory (dostateczy), unsatisfactory (niedostateczny), mediocre (mierny),fail: often, the marks '+' and '-' are added to the principal grades)
Highest on scale: 6 (excellent)
Pass/fail level: 2 (satisfactory)
Lowest on scale: 1 (fail)
Main grading system used by higher education institutions
Full Description: 5 - 2 (5 very good, 4 good, 3 satisfactory, 2 unsatisfactory)
Highest on scale: 5 (very good)
Pass/fail level: 3 (satisfactory)
Lowest on scale: 2 (unsatisfactory)
Other main grading systems
For non-final exams, the marks '+' and '-' are often added to the principal grades. In some schools the grade 6 (excellent) exists.


Data for academic year: 2001-2002

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